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Publication: Climbing up the Social Ladder? Social Mobility of Elites in East-Central Europe in the Long 19th Century

Mon Oct 21 09:05:40 CEST 2024
Barbora Janáková

The second book published as a result of our project has just been made available on the website of De Gruyter Oldenbourg! Our team members Vlad Popovici, Alice Velková and Martin Klečacký edited a volume about social mobility of elites in East-Central Europe in the 19th century. The studies written by scholars from various countries provide a glimpse into the socio-professional diversity and hierarchies of the upper echelons of society and help to understand the impact of late modernity on these strata. Besides the editors, who also prepared an introductory study, other members of our team contributed to this book. Ana Victoria Sima and Marius Eppel wrote about Social Origin, Denominational, and Family Networks Among the Romanian Political Elite in Transylvania. Case Study: Greek-Catholic and Orthodox Politicians (1861–1918). Martin Klečacký, Klára Hulíková Tesárková and Alice Velková focused on public servants in their article Senior State Officials – a Uniform Administrative Elite? The Example of Prague Crown Land Offices and Their Highest-Ranking Public Servants, 1868–1918. Judit Pálʼs paper deals with An Immobile Society? The Political Role of the Hungarian Aristocracy in the Dualist Era – the Example of Transylvania. Vlad Popovici examined Members of the Romanian Academy From Transylvania and Hungary (1866–1948). A Case Study on the Social Mobility of the Intellectual Elite. These studies serve as both a comprehensive overview and a basis for comparative analysis. Moreover, the purpose of the volume is to lay the groundwork for further research into the social mobility of elites in the region.

The whole volume is published open access, so you can download it here.