Martin Klečacký – Mayors to Deputies? Self-Government Bodies and Political Representation in Bohemia 1861–1913
Věra Slováková – Changes in the socio-professional structure of Bohemian deputies in the Austrian Imperial Council
Judith Pál – Parliamentary representation of the Transylvanian towns during the dualism (1867‒1918)
Ovidiu-Emil Iudean – University professorship, a "reward" for political loyalty? The Romanian pro-governmental representatives in the Parliament of dualist Hungary who headed the department of Romanian language and literature at the University of Budapest
Daniela Marza – A Prosopographical Analysis of Parliamentarians in Interwar Transylvania (1919– 1937)
Alice Velková, Vlad Popovici – New states, rising elites? Local politicians and parliamentary elections in Bohemia and Transylvania (1919‒1920)
Andrei Florin Sora – Too Many 'Regățeni'? The Regional Origin of the MPs from Transylvania in the Romanian Parliament (1919– 1926)
Alice Velková, Pavlína Hillerová – Sociální mobilita elit v Čechách a Sedmihradsku v letech 1861–1926. Srovnání sňatkového věku českých a sedmihradských poslanců v kontextu jejich sociálního postavení [Social mobility of elites in Bohemia and Transylvania in the years 1861–1926. Comparing Bohemian and Transylvanian deputies and their age at marriage in the context of their social status]
Martin Klečacký – Sociální profil nové politické elity. Poslanci českého zemského sněmu 1861–1908 [The social profile of a new political elite. Deputies of the Bohemian Diet 1861–1908]
Věra Slováková, Pavlína Hillerová – Vliv pořadí narození na možnost dosažení pozice vyšších státních úředníků v Čechách ve druhé polovině 19. století [Influence of the birth order on reaching the position of a senior civil servant in Bohemia in the second half of the 19th century]
Hana Sedláčková, Pavlína Hillerová – Srovnání sňatkového věku a počtu dětí u vyšších státních úředníků působících v Čechách ve druhé polovině 19. století a jejich bratrů [Comparing age at marriage and number of children of senior civil servants in Bohemia in the second half of the 19th century]
Alice Velková, Pavlína Hillerová, Petr Tureček – The Impact of Family Size on the Health and Well-Being of Its Members. Families of Senior Civil Servants in Bohemia in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Věra Slováková – Marriage Strategies as a Means to Better Well-Being: Bohemia in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
Martin Klečacký – Zapomenutá „okresní elita“? Okresní starostové v Čechách od vzniku ústavnosti do konce monarchie (1860/1–1918) [Forgotten “district elite”? District mayors in Bohemia from the beginning of constitutionality to the end of monarchy (1860/1–1918)]
Hana Sedláčková – Členové chrudimského a nasavrckého okresního zastupitelstva ve službách knížat z Auerspergu ve druhé polovině 19. století [Members of the district boards in Chrudim and Nasavrky in service for princes of Auersperg in the second half of the 19th century]
Judith Pál – Das wechselnde Bild des ungarischen Parlements in der Zeit des Dualismus in der Geschichtsschreibung [The changing image of the Hungarian Parliament in the period of dualism in historiography]
Věra Slováková – A Parliament seat as a means to social mobility? Bohemian deputies at the end of the 19th century
Daniela Marza – A history of losers: Unraveling the causes of defeat in parliamentary elections in interwar Transylvania
Luboš Velek – Die Entsehung des Phänomens des politischen Führers in Mitteleuropa an der Schwelle von Konstitutionalismus und Parlamentarismus: die Beispiele von Franz Palacky und Franz L. Rieger in den Jahren 1848 und 1861 [The emergence of the phenomenon of the political leader in Central Europe on the threshold of constitutionalism and parliamentarism: The examples of Franz Palacky and Franz L. Rieger in 1848 and 1861]
Ovidiu-Emil Iudean – An atypical Romanian parliamentary actor: Baron Géza Duka of Kádár and his activity in the Budapest Parliament
Andrei Florin Sora – The perfect path? From being a Prefect to election as a member of the Romanian Parliament (1919–1937)
Martin Klečacký – New state, new parliament, new faces? Continuity between Habsburg imperial and crownland representations and the successor state parliament on the example of Czechoslovakia
Alice Velková – Continuity and discontinuity of the Czechoslovak Parliament in the 1920s
Alice Velková, Věra Slováková – The use of HISCO and HISCLASS schemes in historical demography. Possibilities and limits
Martin Klečacký – At a Crossroads. Career Paths of German Speaking Justice Officials in Bohemia after the Dissolution of Austrian Empire
Vlad Popovici, Ovidiu Emil Iudean – Changing Patterns of Involvement? Romanian Lawyers in Transylvania in Politics and Civic Society, before and after the First World War
Alice Velková – Changes in Demographic Behaviour in Families of Elite Social Classes in 19th Century Bohemia
Judit Pál – Changes in the Recruitment of Transylvanian Local Government Representatives (Lord Lieutenants) during and after the First World War
Andrei Sora – A Path to an Ascending Career: The "Delegated Prefects" in Transylvania, 1918–1928)
Georgi D. Lutz – Familial Demographic Aspects of the German Parliamentarian Elite from Bohemia and Transylvania between 1867–1938
Daniela Mârza – Family Networks as Instruments of Power – Elite Women, Kinship and Public Life in Transylvania, 1850–1920
Vlad Popovici, Věra Slováková – Social Mobility of Members of Parliament in Bohemia and Transylvania in the Late Habsburg Monarchy
Alice Velková – Non-elite Behaviour of Elites. Extra-marital Relationships, Illegitimate Children and Divorce in the Families of Deputies and Senior Civil Servants in the Second Half of the 19th Century and the First Half of the 20th Century
Daniela Mârza – Kinship and personal ties as part of the power networks amid the parliamentary elites in interwar Transylvania
Alice Velková – Josef Viktorin Krofta (1845–1892)
Věra Slováková – Moravské manželky českých státních úředníků v druhé polovině 19. století [Moravian wives of Bohemian state officials in the second half of the nineteenth century]
Ovidiu Emil Iudean, Andrei Florin Sora – What are in-laws for? Kinship networks and the electoral process in Transylvania during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Georgi Diana Lutz – A comparative prosopography of the German parliamentarians from Transylvania and Bohemia elected between 1867–1938
Martin Klečacký – Methodical Approaches into Research of Mixed Marriages of Elite Social Groups (Bohemia, Second Half of the 19th Century)
Judit Pál, Vlad Popovici – The Political Role and the Public Image of the Parliament in Hungary and Romania before and after World War I: A Comparative Approach
Alice Velková – Interethnic Marriages of State Officials in Bohemia in the 2nd Half of the 19th Century
Alice Velková, Věra Slováková – The Phenomenon of Stepfamilies among Members of Bohemian Political and Administrative Elites in the 2nd Half of the 19th Century
Vlad Popovici, Angela Lumezeanu – Structured data in qualitative historical research
Judit Pál, Vlad Popovici – The Multifaceted Identity of State and County Officials in Transylvania (19th to early 20th Centuries)
Ana Victoria Sima – Education and Kinship among the Romanian Political Deputies in Transylvania at the time of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Marius Eppel – Cooperation, Evolution and Personal Relationship within the Transylvanian Orthodox Elite (1867–1918). Case studies
Judit Pál, Vlad Poppovici – Representative assemblies and executive institutions in Transylvania in the aftermath of the First World War (late 1918 to mid 1920)
Alice Velková – Deputies and bureaucrats. Personnel connection of the legislative and executive power in the second half of the 19th century
Ana Victoria Sima – How much did the wives matter? The role of wives and their families in the Transylvanian Romanian deputies political careers (1861–1918)
Hana Sedláčková – Reflexe prezentace podnikatelských aktivit tří generací rodiny Liebiegů na stránkách dobového tisku
Vlad Popovici, Angela Cristina Lumezeanu – Facts or Factoids? Employing Digital Prosopography in the Study of Mid- and Upper Classes in Transylvania (mid-18th to mid-20th centuries): Benefits and Caveats
Vlad Popovici – Digital Tools in the Prosopographical and Genealogical Research of Transylvania in the Modern Era
Judit Pál, Vlad Popovici – The Professionalization of the Administrative Elite in Transylvania after 1918
Ovidiu Iudean – Legal Elites and Nation-building in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-century Transylvania
Alice Velková – Remarriage and Stepfamilies of Members of the "New Elites" – Bohemia in the 2nd Half of the 19th Century
Judit Pál – Aristokratie und Politik: die siebenbürgische Aristokratie und ihre familiale Netzwerke
Ana Victoria Sima, Marius Eppel – Social Origin, Denominational and Family Networks among the Romanian Political Elite in Transylvania. Case Study: Greek-Catholic Politicians (1861–1918)
Alice Velková – The research database of Bohemian elite groups: sources and approaches.
Klára Hulíková Tesárková, Barbora Janáková Kuprová – Where the past meets the present: the use of modern statistical methods in the analysis of historical data
Angela Lumezeanu, Judit Pál, Vlad Popovici – Accommodating Family Relationships into a Historical EAV Database Model. The Members of the Hungarian Parliament Elected in Transylvania (1866–1918) and their Families: Sources, Challenges, Solutions